Politics History President Change Hope Americans still believe in an America where anything’s possible – they just don’t think their leaders do. - Barack Obama
Health Care People But if you - if what - the reports are true, what they're saying is, is that as a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people health care, at the margins that's going to increase our costs, we knew that. - Barack Obama
Mom We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old - and that's the criterion by which I'll be selecting my judges. - Barack Obama
Some things are beyond my control. For example, this whole controversy about Jay-Z going to Cuba – it’s unbelievable! I’ve got 99 problems, now Jay-Z is one. - Barack Obama
Wife Fact The fact that my 15 minutes of fame has extended a little longer than 15 minutes is somewhat surprising to me and completely baffling to my wife. - Barack Obama
Now, when you first become president, one of the questions people ask you is, what’s really going on in Area 51? … oh, I think I just became the first president to ever publicly mention Area 51… how’s that? - Barack Obama
The more equality women have, the fairer, more civilized and tolerant society will be. Sexual equality is a lot more effective against terrorism than military strength. - Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
In politics, merit is rewarded by the possessor being raised, like a target, to a position to be fired at. - Christian Nestell Bovee
We're in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn't want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that. - Neil Patrick Harris