Past Forget Fighting Legend Icon By forgetting the past and by throwing myself into other interests, I forget to worry. - Jack Dempsey
You know what a champion is? A champion is someone who's ready when the gong rings - not just before, not just after - but when it rings. - Jack Dempsey
Help A champion owes everybody something. He can never pay back for all the help he got, for making him an idol. - Jack Dempsey
End A good fighter usually knows, to within a very few seconds, when a three-minute round is going to end. - Jack Dempsey
As the proud father of two teens and past Chairman to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, I am committed to educating parents and especially young people on ways to live a long, healthy and active life. - Lee Haney
People's attitudes have been changing over the past 15 years, but China is still the world's biggest consumer of dogs. - Jill Robinson
Your future takes precedence over your past. Focus on your future, rather than on the past. - Gary Ryan Blair
I have a lack of fear, whereas in the past the fear of failure was a powerful motivator. Anyway, I have great expectations for the future, but I just don't know if I'm the monarch of all I survey. - Sylvester Stallone