Soul May Mind Nothing Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. - Mary Wollstonecraft
Popular Opinion Age In every age there has been a stream of popular opinion that has carried all before it, and given a family character, as it were, to the century. - Mary Wollstonecraft
Blind Mind End Will Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience. - Mary Wollstonecraft
Beauty Mind Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. - Mary Wollstonecraft
And History will smile to think that this is the species for which Socrates and Jesus Christ died. - Julien Benda
Bereavement is the sharpest challenge to our trust in God; if faith can overcome this, there is no mountain which it cannot remove. - Dean Inge