If you don’t learn how to untangle your feelings from your actions, you’ll never unlock your true potential. - Mel Robbins
If you get anything less than six hours of sleep a night on a consistent basis you are basically going through your day with the exact same physiological symptoms as if you were drunk. You have a foggy brain, you're forgetful, you're moody, you might even notice that your balance is a little bit off, you feel kind of heavy in terms of the emotional weight in your body, so you've got to get onto a great sleep schedule. - Mel Robbins
Change is hard. Logically, we know what we should do, but our feelings about doing it make our decision for us. How you feel in the moment is almost never aligned with your goals and dreams. If you only act when you feel like it, you will never get what you want. You must learn how to separate what you feel from the actions that you take. You can't control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act. - Mel Robbins
It’s called 'locus of control'. The more that you believe that you are in control of your life, your actions and your future, the happier and more successful you’ll be. - Mel Robbins
In all of modern history, no single invention has so perfectly captured the perverse power of the mind to defeat its own best intentions as the snooze button. - Mel Robbins
Forget motivation; it’s a myth. I don’t know when we all bought into the idea that in order to change you must 'feel' eager or 'feel' motivated to act. It’s complete garbage. The moment it’s time to assert yourself, you will not feel motivated. In fact, you won’t feel like doing anything at all. - Mel Robbins
If you can’t get yourself out of bed, then you’ll never be able to pursue all of the other changes that you want to make in your life. And if you take that simple step of taking control of your mornings, you’ll catalyze a chain of events that leads to change everywhere. - Mel Robbins