Anyone can do anything as long as three conditions exist: 1. You want to achieve it. 2. You believe you can achieve it. 3. You enjoy trying to achieve it. - Peter Bregman
Knowing what outcome you want will enable you to focus on what matters and escape the whirlwind of activity that too often leads nowhere fast. - Peter Bregman
Who among us does not move through life with the hidden sense, maybe even quiet desperation, that we are destined for more? - Peter Bregman
Plan your day ahead so you can fly through it, successfully maneuvering and moving toward your intended destination. - Peter Bregman
Each morning, I ask myself some questions: Am I prepared for this day? Prepared to make it a successful, productive day? Have I thought about it? Planned for it? Anticipated the risks that might take me off track? Will my plan for this day keep me focused. - Peter Bregman